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NMX East, Québec

Durango's 100%-owned NMX East property is adjacent to the Whabouchi Lithium Deposit and Hydromet Plant Project, which has been the subject of a Feasibility Study and is planned to be developed into an open pit mining operation. This plant will produce lithium hydroxide, which is used in cathodes of rechargeable batteries.

Results from the field reconnaissance survey conducted by Durango on the NMX East property clearly indicate the discovery of distinct lithium-bearing intrusions, which have been characterized as LCT (lithium-cesium-tantalum) pegmatites, and the generation of clear drilling targets.

Interpretation of Lithium, Cesium, Tantalum, and Rubidium Anomalies

The Nemiscau Region exhibits a markedly limited amount of bedrock exposure, which produces a very challenging environment for surface sampling. On average, there is approximately less than 5% exposure on the NMX East property and a large portion of the surrounding region. Evidence suggests that the majority of pegmatite bodies in the Nemiscau Region are obscured beneath the glacial diamict which blankets the region (1). Nemaska Lithium Inc.'s recent drilling results also report mineralized intercepts as deep as 500 metres below surface. It is possible that viable lithium-bearing LCT pegmatites, which occur at surface on Durango’s NMX East property, could represent smaller exposures of potentially larger intrusions at depth, laterally, and along strike.

NMX East Property Pegmatite Samples.

In 2023 four holes totalling 800 meters were drilled on the pegmatites at NMX East. Hole 1 was drilled to 207m drill depth and intersected pegmatite at drill depths of 34m-34.5m (852ppm Li), and again at 84m-94m, 98m-117.5m (530ppm Li, 1,290ppm Rb), 139m-139.5m (336ppm Li), and 143m-144m. Rubidium assays averaged 670ppm over 11 meters beginning at 99m downhole in the pegmatite. The highest lithium values were found in a metasomatic halo in the country rock immediately adjacent to the pegmatite dyke and ranged up to 489ppm Li. This is a known phenomenon that can occur in LCT (lithium, cesium, tantalum) pegmatites where there is an early expulsion of an aqueous fluid from the dyke during emplacement (Errandonea-Martin et al., 2022).

Hole 2 was drilled to a depth of 300m and intersected pegmatite at a depth of 216m-217m, and 227m-235m, 261m-283.5m, 293m-296.5m returned intermittent pegmatite with country rock. The country rock was not submitted for assay.

Hole 3 encountered pegmatite beginning at 10m downhole and continued through to a downhole drill depth of 103m totaling 93m (305 feet) of consecutive pegmatite. At 106.5m to 150.5m (in the same hole) the pegmatite returned and was interbedded with country rock for a consecutive 44m (144 feet). The hole finished at a drill depth of 201m. Beginning at approximately 9m to 74m downhole rubidium assays returned an average of 917ppm Rb over the 65m (213 feet) within the pegmatite with the highest level being 1,880ppm Rb and lithium was also elevated in each sample with the average being 147ppm Li and the highest value being 471ppm Li. Rubidium assays also averaged 439ppm over 68m (223 feet) from 81.5m to 149.7m downhole within the pegmatite and the highest lithium value was 747ppm Li at 116m downhole depth. Assays were not submitted on hole three after 151m downhole depth as it was country rock.

Hole 4 intersected pegmatite at downhole depth of 7m from surface and continued to 26.5m for a consecutive 19.5m (~64 feet). Assays returned an average rubidium level of 998ppm Rb over 21m (~68 feet) from 6.5m to 27.5m downhole depth and lithium was anomalous in every sample averaging 110ppm Li with the highest assay being 425ppm Li. The hole was stopped at 102m which marked the completion of the planned drill test program on the selected portion of one of the dykes running parallel to the Whabouchi deposit. Assays after 27.5m downhole were not submitted as it was country rock.

Interpretation of Gallium, Cesium and Thallium Anomalies

Recent re-examination of the drill results by Durango has found anomalous gallium, cesium and thallium in the drill core results. Notably, the Company intersected 107.68 meters of 38.85 grams per tonne (“gpt”) gallium, 701.03 gpt rubidium, 24.98 gpt cesium and 3.61 gpt thallium from surface in hole 3. Tables 1 to 4 summarize sampled intervals in the drillholes and average Gallium, Rubidium, Cesium and Thallium values.

Summary of All Holes - NMX East Critical Metals Project
Assayed Intervals with average Ga, Rb, Cs, Tl (grams per tonne - gpt)
NOTE – all drillholes were angled - hole depths are not true depths

Table 1. HOLE 1

Depth Width Gallium (gpt) Rubidium (gpt) Cesium (gpt) Thallium (gpt)
0 to 33.67m 33.68m NOT ASSAYED
33.68 to 35.51m 1.83m 22.33 404.00 38.37 2.40
35.52 to 83.99m 48.47m NOT ASSAYED
84 to 94.81m 10.81m 33.10 491.00 16.29 2.64
94.82 to 97.16m 2.34m NOT ASSAYED
97.17 to 111.21m 14.04m 32.27 626.67 23.58 3.36
111.22 to 114.86m 3.64m NOT ASSAYED
114.87 to 118.76m 3.89m 32.00 416.50 26.00 23.33
118.77 to 130.77m 12.00m NOT ASSAYED
130.78 to 131.58m 0.80m 16.00 88.00 3.30 0.50
131.59 to 137.99m 6.40m NOT ASSAYED
138 to 147.64m 9.40m 15.71 64.86 4.04 0.34
147.65 to 207m 59.35m NOT ASSAYED

Hole Total Depth 207m

Table 2. HOLE 2

Depth Width Gallium (gpt) Rubidium (gpt) Cesium (gpt) Thallium (gpt)
0 to 214.82m 214.82m NOT ASSAYED
214.83 to 235.72m 20.89m 27.25 355.00 30.25 2.26
235.73 to 259.5m 23.77m NOT ASSAYED
259.6 to 264.87m 5.27m 26.60 684.00 29.3 3.66
264.88 to 267.62m 2.74m NOT ASSAYED
267.63 to 274.83m 7.20m 28.75 613.00 23.63 3.34
274.84 to 278.60m 3.76m NOT ASSAYED
278.61 to 284.36m 5.64m 27.50 650.00 21.13 3.52
284.37 to 291.90m 7.53m NOT ASSAYED
291.91 to 297.69 5.78m 27.80 546.80 17.26 2.90
297.70 to 300m 2.30m NOT ASSAYED

Hole total depth 300m

Table 3. HOLE 3

Depth Width Gallium (gpt) Rubidium (gpt) Cesium (gpt) Thallium (gpt)
0 to 8.91m 8.91m NOT ASSAYED
8.92-116.5m 107.58m 38.85 701.03 25.70 3.61
116.6 to 128.50m 11.90m NOT ASSAYED
128.51 to 133.82m 5.31m 28.40 484.40 28.46 2.48
133.83 to 140.28m 6.45m NOT ASSAYED
140.29 to 151.74m 11.45m 33.09 469.27 21.56 2.41
151.75 to 201.00m 49.25m NOT ASSAYED

Hole Total Depth 201m

Table 4. HOLE 4

Depth Width Gallium (gpt) Rubidium (gpt) Cesium (gpt) Thallium (gpt)
0 to 6.57 6.57m NOT ASSAYED
6.58 to 27.50m 20.92m 18.19 386.48 33.75 7.45
27.6 to 102m 74.40m NOT ASSAYED

Hole Total Depth 102m


Errandonea-Martin, J., Garate-Olave, I., Roda-Robles, E., Cardoso-Fernandes, J., Lima, A., dos Anjos Ribeiro, M., Teodoro, A. C. 2022. Metasomatic effect of Li-bearing aplite-pegmatites on psammitic and pelitic metasediments: Geochemical constraints on critical raw material exploration at the Fregeneda-Almendra Pegmatite Field (Spain and Portugal). Ore Geology Reviews, 150, 105155. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105155

NMX Assay Table.

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